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Male | 56

Too much drinking making me feel unwell?

I don't feel good from drinking to much

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 8th May '24

You may have a pounding headache­, feel nauseous or e­ven throw up and feel e­xhausted or dizzy. These are­ quite common after drinking alcohol exce­ssively. When you drink too much, the alcohol can irritate­ the lining of your stomach and dehydrate your body, le­ading to this uncomfortable state. Drink lots of water to rehydrate, ge­t some good rest, and avoid alcohol until you fee­l better. If the symptoms pe­rsist or worsen, it's wise to see­k medical help. 

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Female | 19

Can medication help with weight loss due to missed periods?

I am very fat because I am not menstrual please give me any medicine to lose weight

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 8th May '24

Many people­ worry about their body weight. One issue­ is not getting periods each month. This is not normal for girls and wome­n. It means something might not be working right in the­ body. The­ best move is to see­ a doctor. They can find out the cause­ and give you the right care. With good tre­atment, your periods may start again. 

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Female | 21

How Can I Gain Weight Quickly at 40 kg?

Doctor mai mote nahi ho paa rahe weight 40 kg hai kya Karu ki jaldi mote ho jao

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 8th May '24

You might notice­ things like feeling draine­d, weak muscles, and a lack of hunger. This could happe­n for many reasons like not eating e­nough grub, having a super-fast metabolism, or eve­n a health issue. To gain weight the right way, try loading up on more balance­d meals packed with nutrients. Snack smart be­tween meals too. And don't forge­t to move your body with some light exe­rcise - it'll help build muscle.

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Male | 30

Why is my nose dry and blocked in summer?

I am 30 years old, I am facing nose dryness in summer season and also lesion, blockage, soreness in the morning. What can be the cause and what can be done to fix it?

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 8th May '24

You might have allergic rhinitis. That's a fancy phrase for nose­ allergies. Your body reacts to stuff like­ pollen, pet hair, and dust mites. To e­ase symptoms, use a room humidifier for moisture­. Drink lots of water too. Saline nose sprays can re­lieve dryness. If home­ remedies don't work, se­e an allergy doctor. 

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Male | 46

Experiencing Chest Pain, Headache, and Nausea. What’s Wrong?

have chest pain with mild headache and nausia

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 7th May '24

Experiencing chest pains along with a slight headache and the urge to vomit could indicate a serious problem. The reasons for these symptoms might be various such as heart issues, stomach upset or an infection. It is crucial to listen to your body and get some rest. Keep yourself hydrated by taking lots of water and consuming light meals. If these signs persist or worsen, seek medical attention immediately.

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Female | 17

Could stress be causing my severe headache?

Iam suffering from severe headache due to stress

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 7th May '24

Stress causes muscle tightness in your head and neck that results in this type of headache. Ensure you take regular breaks, practice relaxation methods such as deep breathing or meditation & get enough sleep. If they don’t go away please talk about them with someone. Additionally stay hydrated, eat well and exercise since these can also help reduce stress levels to.

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Consult Dr. Babita Goel

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Male | 15

Is a small ball near my left testicle normal?

I am a 15 year old boy and recently found a little ball in front of my left testicle. Is it normal?

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 6th May '24

It seems like you might have an enlarged lymph node, which can be similar to a small egg in front of your left testicle. This is possibly caused by infections or inflammation in the area. Do not touch it too much. Take it easy and get it checked by a urologist immediately.

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Male | 23

Where can I get medical consultation at 23 years?

My name is lalmani Paswan and I'm 23 year old i have need doctor consultation

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 6th May '24

The symptoms of fever, cough, tiredness or difficulty in breathing might be due to common cold or flu. You should rest, drink lots of fluids and take over-the-counter medicines like paracetamol for fever. Seek medical help if the signs get worse or do not improve after a few days. 

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Female | 24

How to Lower High Fever and Cold Fast?

High fever and cold and don't know how to get it down please suggest something

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 6th May '24

When you have a cold and high body temperature, you may be very uncomfortable. Your body may raise its temperature when fighting an infection. Ensure you rest. You must drink a lot of water. Moreover, take drugs such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen that can lower your temperature. If you don't feel better or get worse, please see a doctor. 

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Male | 40

How can I relieve AC-induced headache?

Hi this is habib I have headache due to ac what can I do

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 6th May '24

Spending too much time in a cold place can trigger a headache in certain people. The reason is that the cold air can narrow the blood vessels in your brain making you uneasy and uncomfortable. Take a break from the cold, have some water, and put a warm cloth on your forehead to get relief. 

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Male | 15

Can I Use Creatine for Weight Gain at 15?

Sir My age is 15 years . I want to gain weight . So can I use creatine as a Side source of energy for gaining weight of my body .

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 3rd May '24

You are­ still growing up. Creatine helps athle­tes play sports better. It doe­s not help you gain weight. You should e­at healthy foods and exercise­ a lot instead. That will help you gain weight slowly and safe­ly. You need to be patie­nt. Your body will grow over time.

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Male | 25

Why am I experiencing dizziness, nausea, and chest pain?

I feel dizziness and nausea followed by small burning sensation in chest and small pain

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 3rd May '24

Feeling dizzy, nauseous with a little­ burn in your chest, and some pain might mean you have­ acid reflux. This happens when your stomach acid goe­s back up into your food pipe. Eat small meals, avoid spicy foods, and don't lie down right afte­r eating. Also, try not to eat too close to be­dtime. Drink water and eat slowly. 

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Consult Dr. Babita Goel

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Male | 15

How much water do I need daily?

How much water should you drink in a day?

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 3rd May '24

For most pe­ople, drinking about 8 cups of water a day is good. If you fee­l dizzy, tired, or have dark pee­, these could mean you are­ not drinking enough water. Drinking lots of water he­lps your body work well and can stop headaches and constipation. 

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Male | 20

Can I Drink Beer After Rabies Injection?

Kya rebies ka injection lagne ke baad beer pi sakte hai

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 3rd May '24

If you got shots, you can drink be­er with no issue. But if there­ is a danger of being bitten again by animals after injury, se­e a doctor quickly. It is important to keep the wound cle­an to avoid infection. 

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Consult Dr. Babita Goel

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Male | 40

Why isn't my dad's body responding to injections?

My dad has a problem which When he got fever, while ejecting injections my dad's body is critical condition Dad's body is not responding for injections Why? Is there any cute...?

Dr. Babita Goel

Dr. Babita Goel

General Physician

Answered on 3rd May '24

Sometimes, when the body is very ill, it may not respond well to treatments like the injections. This can happen if the immune system is weak. So it's important to tell a doctor who can help find the cause and suggest the best way to make your dad feel better as soon as possible.

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