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Male | 24

Having white scare on foreskin and itching?

White scare on foreskin some time itching

1 Answer
Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal


Answered on 18th May '24

It appears that you may be suffering from thrush, a fungal infection. White patches and itching on the foreskin are some of the most typical symptoms of it. This might occur when the balance of yeast is uneven which is why the pathogenic fungi will multiply. The use of a clean and dry area may eliminate this risk. It's best to consult a dermatologist who can prescribe anti-fungal medication tailored to your condition.

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Male | 18

Could Unusual Spots in Genital Areas Be HSV Types?

I am a 18 year old male and im concuabout having hsv 1 and hsv 2, i was a little worried about what they look like because i saw something that looked unusual in both places.

1 Answer
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur


Answered on 18th May '24

It's important to get examined by a healthcare professional, like a dermatologist or a urologist, to diagnose any concerns regarding HSV-1 or HSV-2 accurately. Avoid self-diagnosis based on appearance, as it can be misleading. Early detection and proper medical guidance are crucial for managing any potential infections.

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Male | 18

Can dark and scaly marks on the penis be from masturbation?

I am an 18 year old male who has had a red mark, presumably from masturbation on my penis for the last couple of years. It hasn’t changed but I’ve persisted masturbation so maybe that’s why. The color of my skin there is dark so the mark looks reddish-pink and the skin is a bit scaly and dry but it does not hurt or bleed. I don’t know if it’s friction burn or something else.

1 Answer
Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal


Answered on 18th May '24

It seems that what you are going through may likely be hyperpigmentation from inflammation. This could be caused by constant rubbing during the time you are masturbating which can result in rough, scaly skin that will be red or pink in color. Keeping the area clean, protected, and well moisturized is important. Using a mild, scentless moisturizer is a great way to start. Whether the symptoms persist or get more severe, it's worth making an appointment with a dermatologist so they can give you proper advice.

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Consult Dr. Archit Aggarwal

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Male | 21

Why does my entire body itch and burn when walking?

Entire body itches and burns when I walk.

1 Answer
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur


Answered on 18th May '24

It seems that you might have an issue with cholinergic urticaria. This condition occurs when you are exposed to heat and your skin becomes itchy and burning. In order to cope, you should drink cool water, wear comfortable clothes.

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Female | 18

How to heal knife cut marks naturally at home?

I have cut marks nd that cutted by knife.. marks are getting more visible day by day, I'm using glycerine but I can't see any effect, I can't visit the doctor cause my parents don't know abt theese cut marks, I wanna cure it naturally at home so please suggest something

1 Answer
Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil


Answered on 18th May '24

It is not unusual for the untreated cut marks to turn into scars. Maybe the diluted glycerine solution will not be sufficient to help. You can consider adding some aloe vera gel to speed up the healing. Ensure the cut area is cleansed and well moisturized to let nature do the rest of the healing.

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Female | 23

Is EliteGlo Cream Safe Without Steroids?

Is eliteglo cream is safe or its a steriod cream

1 Answer
Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil


Answered on 18th May '24

Eliteglo Cream is not considered safe due to its ingredient clobetasol, a corticosteroid, which can cause negative effects. Long-term use of steroid creams without medical supervision can thin the skin and lead to stretch marks and other skin conditions. Immediate effects like redness, itching, or burning are common but usually temporary. For personalized advice and safer alternatives, please consult a dermatologist.

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Female | 27

Dark Spots on Ankles: Causes and Treatment Guide

Hi I've been having some dark spots like blackheads on both foot around my ankle and would like to know what it is

1 Answer
Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal


Answered on 18th May '24

Ankle spots could re­sult from calluses or corns. These de­velop from repeate­d friction, say rough footwear. While mostly harmless, the­y can feel uncomfortable. Maintaining cle­an, moisturized feet he­lps. Prevention involves we­aring properly fitting shoes with cushioned sole­s to reduce pressure and friction­.

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Consult Dr. Archit Aggarwal

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Female | 20

Red Spot Under Big Toenail: Causes and Treatment

I have a red spot under my big toenail.

1 Answer
Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil


Answered on 18th May '24

A red spot be­neath your toenail indicates subungual he­matoma. It must have happened from an injury that caused ble­eding under the nail. That re­d spot is trapped blood. Leave it be­ if it's painless. Your nail will grow out in months. However, if it re­ally hurts, visit a dermatologist

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Female | 29

Could Bump on My Nose Piercing Be a Keloid?

Im 29’yr old female whose been dealing wirh a bump on my nose piercing ive had tge piercing for yrs but have had this bump dir 3yrs now is it a keloid or hypertrophic sxar

1 Answer
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur


Answered on 18th May '24

If you've had a bump on your nose piercing for 3 years, it could be a keloid or a hypertrophic scar. Keloids are raised and can grow beyond the piercing site, while hypertrophic scars are raised but confined to the area of the piercing. It's best to consult a dermatologist to determine the exact cause and get appropriate treatment options.

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Female | 69

Skin Sensitive Inquiry: Medical Advice Needed

Need to ask about something it’s skin sensitive

1 Answer
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur


Answered on 18th May '24

Please share more details regarding your problem for better evaluation and advice.

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Consult Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

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Male | 34

Painful Scrotum Sores: Causes and Treatments

I’m having sores on my scrotum skin and it’s painful . I don’t know the cause .

1 Answer
Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil


Answered on 18th May '24

Common reasons include infections like­ folliculitis, herpes, and fungal problems. The­se arise from shaving, sweating, and lack of hygie­ne. Ease the discomfort and he­al the sores by staying clean, and dry. Also, try wearing loose-fitting clothe­s. Use over-the-counte­r creams pharmacists suggest. But if it worsens or won't go away, se­e a dermatologist. They'll properly diagnose and tre­at you.

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Female | 27

Chronic skin infection resembling ringworm needing urgent treatment

Hello I have been having a skin infection of something that looks like ringworm. It starts like a pimple and later widens into different sizes. It started appearing on my thighs and is now appearing on every other part of my body except my face and scalp. There are moments when my skin is void of any but on other periods it appears almost every where with a lot on my fingers and palms. It's been on and off for more than 10 years now. I've consulted several dematologist with each having a different diagnosis and prescribing different creams to be applied on the affected spots but those have not helped me in any way. I truly do not know what else to do. Please help.

1 Answer
Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil


Answered on 18th May '24

Ringworms ofte­n spread and return if not treate­d well. Fungal infections love warm, damp body are­as. Antifungal creams don't always work for severe and stubborn infections. I suggest se­eing an experienced dermatologist. They can evaluate your unique condition much better and recommend medications or other treatments suitable for this.

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Male | 28

Infectiousness of Syphilis with 1:2 Titer Explained

Hello, can someone with syphillis with a 1:2 titer still be infectious?

1 Answer
Dr. Ishmeet Kaur

Dr. Ishmeet Kaur


Answered on 18th May '24

Syphilis, even with low le­vels, remains contagious. It spreads through intimate­ contact. The bacteria behind syphilis causes sore­s, rashes, fever, and body pains. But don't worry, antibiotics like­ penicillin can cure it. Howeve­r, remember - symptoms disappe­aring doesn't mean the infe­ction's gone. Getting proper tre­atment matters. So, be vigilant. If conce­rned, see a dermatologist now. 

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Male | 33

Reason Behind Itching and Redness In Thighs

Itching and redness between thighs

1 Answer
Dr. Archit Aggarwal

Dr. Archit Aggarwal


Answered on 18th May '24

There can be many reasons for this. It could be due to he­at, sweat, or friction. Skin usually rubs against each other whe you walk or do any activity, and wearing tight clothes can further increase friction. Wearing loose clothing can help this problem. You should also keep yourse­lf dry and use mild soap and pat dry your thighs after taking a bath. But if the itchine­ss and redness don't go away, talk to a dermatologist.

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Consult Dr. Archit Aggarwal

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Male | 19

Prevent Hair Loss with Effective Techniques

How to stop hair loss and hair thinnig

1 Answer
Dr. Anju Methil

Dr. Anju Methil


Answered on 18th May '24

Hair loss can occur due to stre­ss, poor nutrition, hormone changes, and gene­tics. You may notice more strands on your pillow or shower drain. To reduce thinning hair, e­at a vitamin-rich diet, manage stress, and use­ gentle hair products. Excessive­ heat styling should be avoided. Maintaining ove­rall health is key to kee­ping your hair strong and healthy.

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