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Understanding Repeated Implantation Failure: Treatments

Understand repeated implantation failure: causes, diagnosis, and treatment options. Prioritize personalized care and consultation with fertility specialists for improved outcomes.

  • Ivf (In Vitro Fertilization)

By Ipshita Ghoshal

13th Apr '24

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Repeated implantation failure (RIF) is a term used in the field of reproductive medicine to describe a situation where a woman fails to achieve a pregnancy after multiple attempts of embryo transfer in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) or assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycle. It is generally defined as the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after the transfer of at least three good-quality embryos in consecutive IVF cycles.

In this blog, we are going to discuss it in detail. 

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Let’s start by looking at the causes first!!

What causes repeated implantation failure? 

Studies have found that repeated implantation failure can be caused by various reasons. The reasons are mentioned below:

Uterus abnormalities

Adhesions, fibroid or septum can interfere with the implantation. 

Hormonal factors

Hormone imbalances, including thyroid and PCOS, affect the receptivity of the uterus. This can cause repeated implantation failure.

Immunological factors

Immune system plays an important role in regulating implantation. Abnormalities in immune function can lead to repeated implantation failure.

Genetic reasons

Chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo or in the parents can cause repeated implantation failure.


Smoking, drinking and obesity are some of the lifestyle factors that can cause repeated implantation failure.

Age-related factors

Older age of the mother is linked with a decline in fertility and an increased risk of repeated implantation failure. 

This is a very complex condition. It is important that you go through a thorough evaluation to understand the underlying cause and get treatment effectively.

How common is repeated implantation failure?

The exact prevalence of repeated implantation failure is difficult to determine. The differences in diagnostic criteria make it unclear. 

However, repeated implantation failure is not as common as it is perceived to be. 

Studies report that repeated implantation failure rates are around 2-25% in women with IVF. However, there are chances that this rate can inflate. It is because of women who might have other infertility issues. 

The study also suggests that the risk of RIF may be lower in women undergoing IVF with Euploid embryos. Euploid embryos (embryos that have more than a usual number of chromosomes) when transferred increase the chances of implantation. 

Repeated implantation failure occurs rarely. It occurs in less than 5% of IVF cycles. 

According to experts at Welzo, an online healthcare platform, 

Male factor infertility can contribute to RIF. Assessing the male partner's fertility involves a semen analysis to evaluate sperm parameters such as count, motility, and morphology. Additional tests, such as sperm DNA fragmentation analysis or genetic testing, may be recommended based on individual circumstances.  Addressing any male factor infertility issues can be part of a comprehensive approach to improve fertility outcomes.

You might be wondering what the procedures are to diagnose this complex condition!! Read below to take a look at various diagnostic procedures. 

How is repeated implantation failure diagnosed?

Diagnosis of repeated implantation failure involves the evaluation of both female and male partners. The diagnostic processes include:

Reviewing medical history

Both partners are evaluated to understand the potential risk factors. Previous surgeries or medical conditions are taken into consideration for a better understanding of the situation. 

Physical examination

This is done to assess any physical abnormalities that can impact implantation.

Hormonal testing

Blood tests are performed to check hormone levels. This helps in identifying hormone imbalances that cause repeated implantation failure. 

Imaging tests

Ultrasound or hysteroscopy is done to identify any abnormalities in the uterus structure that can impact the implantation.

Genetic testing

This is done to identify chromosomal abnormalities that can lead to implantation failure. 

Semen analysis

Male partner’s fertility is checked by the semen analysis. Any abnormality in the sperm can also cause implantation failure. 

Timely treatment is very important for improving success rates. To learn about the various treatment options available for RIF. Continue reading below!

What are the treatment options for repeated implantation failure?

There are various kinds of treatment for repeated implantation failure depending upon what is causing implantation failure. The treatment methods discussed below help in increasing the chances of implantation success. 

Endometrial scratch

This is a process where the womb is stimulated before implantation. This method has shown improved chances of implantation in those who suffer from repeated implantation failure. 

Endometrial receptivity array

This is a method to identify the best time for implantation. This depends on the genes present in the lining of the womb, and when they are their best for facilitating implantation. 

Embryo selection techniques

This helps in preventing cycle failures. This includes the genetic screening of embryos. The development of embryos is monitored using an embryo scope and time-lapse technology. 

Take the first step to recovery. Get in touch with us for your treatment.

What is the role of genetics in repeated implantation failure?

As per studies, genetics does play a role in repeated implantation failure. There are some genetic defects that can lead to repeated implantation failure. Chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo can lead to repeated implantation failure. 

Women who have some kind of genetic variation can impact the function of genes involved in implantation. The genetic variations make it difficult for the embryo to implant and develop properly.  This leads to repeated implantation failure. 

Genetic testing is helpful in such cases to identify genetic factors which can lead to repeated implantation failure. It will lead to understanding the treatment options better. 

How can uterine abnormalities contribute to repeated implantation failure?

Uterine abnormalities can contribute to repeated implantation failure. These abnormalities affect the ability of the embryo to implant and develop properly. 

Uterine abnormalities include:

  • Structural defects: septum or fibroids.
  • Functional defects: abnormal response to hormone changes during menstruation.

These abnormalities create a hostile environment for the embryo. This causes issues with implantation, growth and development. 

Moreover, uterine abnormalities affect blood flow to the uterus. This can also impact implantation. 

Diagnosing and treating uterine abnormalities can also help in increasing the chances of successful implantation.

What is the success rate for treatments for repeated implantation failure?

The success rates of treatment for repeated implantation failure vary depending upon the underlying cause. 

As per studies, the success rates of various RIF treatments range from 10% to 70%. 

The preimplantation genetic technique helps in selecting embryos with normal chromosomal content. This increases the chances of successful implantation by 70% in RIF patients. 

Similarly, endometrial scratching and hysteroscopy have success rates of 10% to 50%. 

However, the success rates of these treatments need to be interpreted with caution. They may vary depending on the patient's age, the number of previous failed IVF cycles, and the specific causes of RIF. 

Take charge of your health with the best treatment. Book your consultation now.


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Question and Answers

Hello ..I am trying to conceive since June 2023 ...I have PCOD I have started taking metformin and clomiphene from Jan 2024... Still not able to conceive My height is 5'1 and weight 60 kg Please help me out

Female | 30

It is difficult to become pregnant with PCOD. This leads to irregular periods and issues with ovulation, as well as increased levels of male hormones. Metformin or clomiphene may be used for regulating the menstrual cycle and promoting ovulation. Ensure you take them according to your doctor’s instructions. Fertility in women with PCOD can also be enhanced by losing weight; therefore, it is important to stay healthy. 

Answered on 30th May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

I have done a pregnancy test BETA HCG and result was 30187.00 what is this means

Female | 28

If a pregnancy examination reveals a BETA HCG value of 30187.00, it means that you are likely expecting. A woman may experience missed periods, fatigue, vomiting, and breast tenderness as signs of being pregnant. Another explanation for extremely high BETA HCG levels could be multiple gestations or incorrect calculation of gestational age. It is important to have more medical check-ups and prenatal care to confirm the pregnancy and ensure the health of both mother and child.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dr. Nisarg Patel

Dear Sir, I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to seek further advice or guidance regarding a matter that has been concerning my wife and me deeply. Since our marriage in April 2024, we have encountered challenges in conceiving a child. Following consultations with a gynecologist, my wife underwent various tests, all of which returned normal results. However, based on the recommendation of the gynecologist, I underwent a semen analysis test. The results indicated a total sperm count of 45 million, falling below the normal range of 60 to 150 million. Additionally, the motility percentage was recorded at 0%, significantly lower than the normal range of greater than 25%. In search of a solution, I sought advice from two different medical professionals, both of whom prescribed distinct medications and treatments. The first doctor recommended a daily intake of one tablet each of YTIG and CQ10 (100gm). Conversely, the second doctor advised me to consume 10 drops of two different oils, Agnus castus and Damiana, with water twice a day. For your reference, I am a 34-year-old male, measuring 5 feet 11 inches in height and weighing 94 kilograms. Despite diligently adhering to the prescribed treatments, my wife has not yet conceived. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate any further advice or guidance you may offer on this matter. Thank you sincerely for your attention and assistance. Warm regards, Habib Bughio

Male | 34

According to the given information, it's advised for you to instance get the help of a fertility specialist. Since that time, they will be capable of performing a full examination and help you to develop for your particular case.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Why am I unable to get pregnant

Female | 22

There may be several reasons to explain why you can't conceive. It is crucial that you go and get examined by a fertility doctor or a gynecologist and get your infertility cause to be diagnosed. Whether you opt for IUI or IVF, they will offer you counseling and explain the available methods to enhance your chances of conceiving.

Answered on 23rd May '24

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

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