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Questions Answered By Dr. Pramod Bhor (253)

Male | 17

Hy myself Ali I’m from pakistan i have issue my feet are bent .it can recover with plaster or surgery please inform me ?

Answered on 17th Apr '24

I would tell you to see an orthopedic specialist in Pakistan so that your bent feet can be examined and the most appropriate treatment administered for them. They will show you which alternative – plaster or surgery – would work in your case and aid recovery.

Male | 50

i am pain to my back please i have to talk to doctor

Answered on 10th Apr '24

It could be that may be back aching. You ought to see to it if you seek a second opinion from an orthopedist or a spine doctor. They will be able to tell you a definitive diagnosis and subsequently identify the right treatment for your condition. 

Female | 57

Agar aapke pair mein screw dala hai aur bho haddi se touch ho Raha hai tho kya karen

Answered on 8th Apr '24

If a screw is in your leg and you touch the bone, it is advisable to see an orthopedic surgeon. They are musculoskeletal injuries specialists, capable to supply you with critical directions and treatment solutions. If you intend to resolve your health problem, do not postpone seeing a doctor, which, in turn, may cause additional problems.

Male | 25

Vitamins or medication for joint and bone health because I have knee pain

Answered on 8th Apr '24

It is suggested to get in touch with an orthopedic doctor while you suffer from knee pain. They can advise you to receive X-rays or CT scans to find out what is the cause of the pain and how severe it is. Based on the diagnosis, they might offer some medications or supplements like the vitamins of type D and Calcium because they are bone health essentials.

Male | 23

I have tfcc injury about a 1 month which medicine is taken to treat this

Answered on 5th Apr '24

Seeing an orthopedist and getting a full diagnosis and a treatment plan is the first thing I would advise you to do for the TFCC injury. The specialist would probably issue a script for painkillers, immobilization, and/or physiotherapy and surgery only if the damage is severe.

Male | 20

Welche günstigen Kliniken Weltweit für die Beinverlängerung gibt es?

Answered on 5th Apr '24

Leg-lengthening surgery is a delicate and dangerous operation that has to be undertaken by experienced specialist orthopedic surgeons. It will be better to avoid “cheap” clinics for this surgery that is not about saving money at all costs, but rather ensuring the highest level of care and expertise. 

Female | 29

I’ve been having problems with my Achilles

Answered on 4th Apr '24

If you have developed a condition associated with your Achilles tendon, it is advisable to visit an orthopedic professional. They will provide an accurate diagnosis of the problem that will be reflected in the advised treatment plan which may include rest, physical therapy, or surgery.

Female | 48

My mother has a small tumor on her elbow is it possible cancer?

Answered on 3rd Apr '24

There’s an urgent need for an expert like an orthopedic surgeon or an oncologist to inspect the tumor on your mother's arm. Not all tumors develop into cancer, so a thorough investigation is necessary to avoid any malignancy. Once it is confirmed that cancer is present, treatment alternatives can be explored. 

Female | 20

I have arm injury, got hit on the arm. It is swollen and paining since 3 days

Answered on 14th Mar '24

It is recommended to seek medical attention from an orthopedist for proper diagnosis and treat your injury. They will be able to provide you with a personalized treatment plan to help alleviate your symptoms and promote healing.

Female | 63

ortho doctor for knee and leg pain

Answered on 29th Feb '24

If you have knee and leg pain, you need to visit Orthopedic Doctor. While, they focus mostly on the disorders and injuries of bones, muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons. A specialist can help you get a correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment that is specific to your case.

Female | 37

Lower back and hip pain. Been to chiropractor twice and muscle relaxers not working

Answered on 26th Feb '24

Lower back and hip pain result from many factors, like muscle strain, arthritis, or slip disc. It is better to consult a orthopedist for a proper diagnosis and treatment. An orthopedist can talk about physical therapy, medication and surgery if needed. Remember not to use self-medication and medical consultation to manage the pain.

Female | 52

My legs hurt all the time. Theyre swollen and very sensitive and numb. When i walk i feel like im walking on rocks

Answered on 24th Feb '24

You should consult an orthopedist so that he can be able to determine the underlying cause of your leg pain and swelling. The following symptoms can be caused by musculoskeletal or vascular conditions and need to be immediately checked by the doctor.

Female | 18

I've been having severe back pains for the past 3 days and its getting worse by the day.

Answered on 15th Feb '24

It is advisable to see an orthopedist for severe long term back pain. The diagnosis and choosing the correct treatment is only possible by a doctor after the tests and examination are conducted.

Female | 35

I am 35 years old and I have knee pain as well as back pain since long time and I have had consulted many doctors but have not get relief yet.

Answered on 9th Feb '24

you should visit an orthopedic specialist for your knee and back pain. For the moment, pain-relieving methods such as gentle exercises might bring some relief including stretching and hot/cold therapy. 

Male | 45

Body pains and backpain 2 months over

Answered on 6th Feb '24

It is important to visit an orthopedic specialist if the individual has suffered from body pains and back pain for more than 2 months. These symptoms may show various conditions from simple muscle injury to more serious spinal disorders. 

Male | 30

i have broken my ulna bone of left arm in an accident about 5 weeks ago. I got an plate implant on ulna bone. I need to know can I drive the car?

Answered on 6th Feb '24

You should visit and have your doctor or an orthopedic specialist who will help in determining the condition. Whether you can drive a car comfortably depending on the severity of your injury and how soon your healing progresses could not be determined. 

Female | 15

i am a 15 year old female ,i have been having knee pain for almost a year,i have visited a doc who gave me intamine cream and a compressor but its getting worse

Answered on 3rd Feb '24

You should consult an orthopedist. Various factors such as injury, overuse, or underlying medical conditions can lead to knee pain. An orthopedic doctor will assess your condition and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment. If the treatment is delayed, this may lead to worsening of condition.

Male | 41

How should I resume physical activities 4 months after Achilles tendon surgery

Answered on 22nd Jan '24

After 4 months of Achilles tendon surgery, you can return to physical activities only with the consent of your orthopedic surgeon. You might have to begin with mild exercises and slowly intensify your exercise. Wear appropriate shoes, and always warm up before the exercise. A physiotherapist should be consulted for a smooth and successful recovery.

Female | 34

Which movements cause dislocation after hip replacement

Answered on 18th Jan '24

In the case of a hip replacement, movements that pose potential dislocation risks may include leaning forward by bending more than 90 degrees at the hip joint, sitting cross-legged or twisting inward on one’s hips.
However, it is imperative to follow the particular instructions given by your orthopedic surgeon. They can provide specific guidance on safe movements and actions to avoid dislocation that will guarantee an uneventful recovery. They play a crucial role in the post-operative recovery and rehabilitation.

Female | 25

Hello doctor My age is 25 ,female . 7 years back a rod was inserted in my right leg in femer bone ,so now I want to remove it. Will it be problematic in future ?? And will my leg heal if rod will be removed.? Please answer my question ?

Answered on 17th Jan '24

If you have a rod in your femur that was installed to treat fracture, removing this is critical and needs careful reconsideration. The decision to take out the rod is generally made based on whether or not your bone has healed, if there are no complications and how good you have been feeling health wise. Talk to an orthopedic surgeon as they can assess if the removal is necessary and what risks it might carry. Healing will take place after rod removal, which may improve function and reduce pain in many people. However, the recovery process largely depends on bone condition and tissues surrounding it. So it is essential to consult some health care specialist who will give you parametrically applicable advice after the specific case has been carefully reviewed and medical history taken into consideration.

Male | 26

Limb lengthening surgery age limit?

Answered on 17th Jan '24

The limb lengthening surgery age limits differ depending on issues such as the technique applied, health of an individual and whether growth plates are present. These procedures are usually more prevalent in pediatric cases since the bones keep growing. For adults, age limitation is not very rigid and suitability depends largely on bone density as well as the overall health. People who are considering limb lengthening should consult an orthopedic surgeon with experience in this procedure, so he could analyze their situation and decide whether the operation fits them or not.

Male | 35

I have phase 2 ACL injury. Now I can climb stairs but sometimes feel pain slightly during downstairs. But there is slight swelling. Should I go for Physiotherapy? I supposed to journey by bus and auto. Sometimes feels slight buckles in my knee.

Answered on 16th Jan '24

You better see an Orthopedic Specialist. ACL injuries necessitate accurate diagnosis and treatment to prevent additional damage. Sometimes physiotherapy may be beneficial, but it is more advisable to seek the advice of a specialist in order to get an adequate treatment regimen. Since the buckling can be a symptom of an unstable joint, you must address it immediately.

What to expect 5 months after knee replacement?

Answered on 9th Jan '24

After five months of knee replacement surgery, most patients have a significant reduction in pain and improvement over their pre-surgery status. You may be able to go about your everyday activities more easily, but there will still be some mild discomfort and swelling after long periods of activity. Range of motion should be significantly better, but it may still have been incrementing over time and full recovery often depends on continuous physiotherapy. While you should still avoid high-impact groups, low impact striking activities such as swimming cycling and walking are usually recommended. Recovery time may vary from person to person so it is important that you continue your surgeon’s advice and your physical therapist.’

Male | 64

My father has diagnosed with avascular necrosis of the right femoral head with joint capsulitis and moderate joint effusion and ischemic changes in neck of the right femur.So does he require hip replacement surgery?

Answered on 8th Dec '23

YES, HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY IS LIKELY NECESSARY FOR AVASCULAR NECROSIS.. Avascular necrosis is when bone tissue dies due to a lack of blood supply. It can lead to pain and joint damage. Joint effusion is swelling from excess fluid, while joint capsulitis is when the joint capsule is inflamed.. ischemic changes refer to REDUCED BLOOD FLOW.. All of these can make it difficult to move and cause pain.. Surgery may help improve mobility and decrease pain.. YOUR FATHER'S DOCTOR WILL BE ABLE TO ADVISE ON THE BEST TREATMENT PLAN..

Male | 45

Iam sufferings from serious back pain l4 l5

Answered on 26th Sept '23

For severe back pain over the counter pain medications can provide relief. Consult a orthopedic or physical therapist for exercises and stretches from well known hospitals is advisable. Maintaining good posture and making lifestyle changes, such as weight management, can also be beneficial. 

Male | 31

I am suffering disc bulge

Answered on 12th Sept '23

Suffering from a disc bulge leads to back or neck pain, which radiates into the arms or legs. To address this, consult an orthopedist, who will diagnose the condition through physical examination and imaging tests. Treatment options range from taking rest, physical therapy, and medication or surgery in severe cases.

Male | 17

Lower backpain and curved lumbar pain in both legs also

Answered on 8th Sept '23

To address lower back pain and leg discomfort, first, consult an orthopedic for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. They may suggest pain relief measures, physical therapy, and exercises to improve mobility. Pay attention to posture, use heat or cold therapy, and consider lifestyle changes like weight management. Only in certain severe cases surgery may be an option.

Male | 51

Pain in spinal cord from 7 years

Answered on 31st Aug '23

Experiencing spinal cord pain for 7 years requires urgent medical evaluation. Consult a spine specialist or orthopedic doctor to diagnose the cause. They can recommend treatments, and pain management strategies, and monitor your progress.

Female | 17

I feel pain in my shoulder such as that a frozen shoulder

Answered on 23rd Aug '23

For shoulder pain similar to a frozen shoulder, it's best to consult an orthopedist for accurate diagnosis and treatment advice. Possible steps to consider could be physical therapy, pain management with medications (under medical guidance), hot/cold therapy, stretching, gentle movement, and, if necessary, corticosteroid injections or surgical options. 

Male | 32

Hi I need some advice on having pins removed from my kneecap.

Answered on 17th Aug '23

Before having pins removed from your kneecap, consult your orthopedic surgeon to discuss the procedure and timing. Prepare according to their instructions. The removal is usually done under local anesthesia, involving a small incision to remove the pins. Expect some discomfort and swelling post surgery.

Male | 32

Navicular bone hurts very much

Answered on 3rd Aug '23

Navicular pain can happen due to stress fractures, tendonitis, arthritis, structural issues, injuries, or ill-fitting footwear. Avoid self diagnosis and seek advice from an orthopedist for your foot pain.

Male | 17

I have knee injury from 1 month I fell pain when I rotate me leg

Answered on 2nd Aug '23

Experiencing knee pain for a month, especially during leg rotation, requires evaluation by an orthopedist. Avoid aggravating activities, use ice and over the counter pain relief as needed, and seek medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Female | 55

Hi I Want to check knee issue of my mother

Answered on 2nd Aug '23

Take her to see an orthopedic professional, such as a primary care physician or orthopedic specialist, for a thorough evaluation and diagnosis. 

Male | 34

I need pain meds for back

Answered on 2nd Aug '23

For back pain, consult an orthopedist to identify the cause and receive appropriate treatment. Pain medications should be prescribed by a doctor. Avoid self medicating and consider non pharmacological approaches alongside medication.

Female | 25

My foot and hands are hurting so much at night and my neck has swll.

Answered on 29th July '23

It may happen due to poor sleeping positions, repetitive strain injuries, or maybe arthritis. To get a proper diagnosis and advice, you need to consult a medical professional. Meanwhile, try to maintain a comfortable sleeping position and consider using ice packs for swelling. 

Female | 48

Hi i have a spinal stenosis

Answered on 27th July '23

For spinal stenosis, you should consider consulting with an orthopedic surgeon, a neurologist, or a spine specialist. You may be facing symptoms like back pain, numbness, and weakness and you must seek prompt treatment.

Male | 17

Should I go to doctor if my knee popped and collapsed playing soccer the other day and now I have burning in my knee

Answered on 21st July '23

Consult an orthopedic specialist or sports medicine doctor for proper evaluation and treatment to prevent further damage. take rest, avoid weight bearing on the knee, and apply ice until you can see a doctr..

Female | 18

Nek ka Vikas nhi hua hai nek age ki taraf jhuki hai kya thik ho sakti hai

Answered on 21st July '23

If you are experiencing concerns about your neck development or posture, consult with a professional orthopedic. They can examine your condition, provide an accurate diagnosis, and recommend appropriate treatment options or exercises to improve your neck development or address any posture related issues.

Male | 67

Suffering from right hand joint pain since 4 months

Answered on 13th July '23

Repetitive pain caould be due to arthritis, repetitive strain injury, or some previous injury.. Consult an orthopedic specialist or rheumatologist, for proper evaluation and diagnosis. 

Male | 86

What can I give an elderly man of 86 years For arthritis.

Answered on 26th June '23

Its advisable to get proper diagnosis and treatment from an orthopedic. General approaches can be used like medications/ pain relievers or anti inflammatory drugs, physical therapy to improve joint mobility, hot and cold therapy for pain relief etc. Also maintaining a healthy weight, regular exercise, and a balanced diet may also be beneficial.

Female | 30

Knee pain i need permanent solution

Answered on 22nd June '23

Check with an orthopedic near you to get the pain examined, and accordingly the doctor can prescribe you medications. They would prescribe pain relief medications and physiotherapy if required..

Male | 36

How safe is a spinal fusion? And is surgery the only way to fix the lower back pain caused by a vertebrae trapping a nerve?

Answered on 19th June '23

Spinal fusion is a surgical operation used to stabilize the spine and reduce pain. While it carries certain risks, advancements have improved its safety. Surgery may be recommended if non-surgical treatments fail or if there is a risk of further nerve damage

Female | 48

I just got to know that my mother leg fractured

Answered on 19th June '23

In this case It's best to consult an orthopedic for detailed evaluation and treatment. Depending on the severity and type of fracture further interventions will be needed such as realignment of the bones (reduction) or surgical intervention.

Male | 21

What if you have shoulder imbalance

Answered on 15th June '23

It's not possible to say anything without examining. An orthopedic can evaluate your shoulder condition, diagnose any underlying problems, and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Female | 25

SHE has paid in right hand knee , he suffer form 3 month ph no : 9064560550 mail id :

Answered on 1st June '23

Knee pain can be happening due to some injury, overuse, arthritis, or other underlying conditions. It would be best for her to consult with an orthopedic specialist or a primary care physician who can evaluate her symptoms perform a physical examination, and potentially order tests to determine the cause of the pain.

Female | 77

How long does it take to get healed after undergoing hip replacement surgery

Answered on 20th May '23

Recovery time after hip replacement surgery can vary, but initial healing typically takes 6 to 8 weeks. Full recovery and return to normal activities can take several months and rehabilitation and physical therapy play a crucial role.

Female | 50

Knee injury left side and unable to stand up or walk sujan please guide wich doctor meet

Answered on 17th May '23

Consult with an orthopedic specialist or an orthopedic surgeon immediately =to check. Based on evaluation, diagnosis and treatment will be provided.

Male | 22

I had an accident on November 27 2022, A cut near my right hand wrist and later I had stitches on it now my last two fingers are not working properly

Answered on 1st May '23

Consult an orthopedist soon if you're experiencing reduced function in your fingers after a wrist injury and stitches. The cause of your symptoms may be nerve damage or reduced blood flow to the affected area, which results from certain types of injuries or surgical procedures. 

Female | 50

I'm 50 year old facing sharp pain behind knee muscle after hit in knee

Answered on 21st Apr '23

The pain could be due to a knee injury, so rest your knee and avoid putting weight on it. Consult an orthopedist and take pain medications as prescribed. And keep applying ice. If the pain persists or worsens keep your knee elevated and use crutches or a knee brace if you need to move around.

Female | 19

I am a 19 year old female with a knee injury

Answered on 15th Apr '23

You must consult an orthopedist if its a serious knee injury. if not you can try home treatment. Apply ice, take good rest, compression to reduce swelling, and take pain killers as prescribed by your doctor. 

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